The scientific fundamentals of natural enlargement
The effectiveness of natural breast enlargement medication has been
extensively proved, not only by scientific literature, but also by
extensive statistic reports. Formulas may vary, bur basically they all
have one or a combination of the following active ingredients:
Saw palmetto. It is a small palm plant that has been used since
ancient days by American native Indian as food and nutritional tonic to
treat a number of conditions, such as enuresis -bed wetting-,
testicular atrophy, lower urinary tract disorders and impotence. Also
used as an expectorant and to calm cough, it is very rich in
phytosterols and fatty acids. That is why has been widely used by the
Ancients to fight reproductive organs disorders. Its effectiveness as a
propitiatory substance for natural enlargement has been known for
Fennel, also known as finocchio. Original from the Mediterranean Sea
area and Asia, it has been widely spread all over the globe, especially
by the Romans, who very keen on its gastronomical applications -it has
a distinct fresh taste. Its essence contains anetholes, a kind of
natural phytoestrogens. Medicinally, has been used in various
disorders, from babies’ colics, to easy the digestion in grown ups. It
is believed it can actively improve the breast milk supply during
breast feeding.
Dong Quai. Also known as “Female Ginseng”, it is called by the
ancient Chinese tradition the Princess of Herbs, due to its many good
properties. It is believed to have a strong positive effect on the
gynecological organs, and one of its most common use is to fight the
pre menstrual syndrome. Also rich in phytosterols, it is known for its
aphrodisiac effects.