Monday, October 11, 2010

Breast enlargement pills – How do they work?

Many women who wish to augment their breasts usually have to think twice before planning for a breast augmentation. It is indeed a matter of deep consideration for many women who wish to augment their breasts simply because of the many possible methods available in the market like surgeries or breast enlargement pills.
Many people get really dicey while choosing an option like breast enlargement pills because it is important to take up such a decision after a lot of consideration. These kinds of pills are manufactured by a lot of companies across the world and thus it becomes all the more difficult to decide the best one. Thus it is very important to understand the chemistry behind the breast enlargement pills. One should know which pill works the best and how these pills work.
One fact which almost women are aware of is that women’s breast size goes through a lot of changes as per their monthly cycles because of the hormonal changes in the body accompanied by the monthly cycles. The changes brought about in the breast size during these days can be really significant during these days. The major working principle by which the breast enlargement pills work is that they substitute the body’s natural estrogens with compounds which are plant based. The breasts have sites on them which are estrogen receptive and form new breast tissues when they get activated. On further activation, the mammary glands get reactivated by these estrogens and thus new breast tissues are produced. Naturally, this is the process occurring at the time of puberty but pertaining to the various pollutants and many toxic chemicals; there can be blockage at the receptor sites which then tends to a very less or even diminished growth of the tissues.
Once you start taking the breast enlargement pills, they don’t really start working before five to eight weeks of consumption; the effect of the pills also sometimes depends on the body chemistry of various women. Most of the times, the compounds present in such pills are natural and even quite mild which are compounds like estrogen but they are certainly not better than the hormone replacement therapy as it is considered to be much more effective with profound effects for most of the women. However, many a times the method is rejected because of the side effects which also many a times accompany the positive effects of the hormone replacement therapy.
These breast enhancement pills work the best when taken regularly with a proper prescription. Taking more than the required amount won’t certainly help the case but worsen it. Another thing which needs to be taken care of is that not every female can experience the same results with these pills and they vary according to an individual and her body type. A good change can be certainly visible within six months of taking the pills. Just act as an informed individual and do your research well before you settle down for a particular pill for breast enhancement.